Statistics New Zealand, Tatauranga Aotearoa

Survey Help

This survey is collected jointly by Statistics New Zealand and the Ministry for Primary Industries (MPI). Your privacy is important to us. Statistics NZ and MPI recognise the value of your information, and we are committed to keeping it secure and confidential.

The data we collect is used for research or statistical purposes to inform good decision-making by government, business, and all New Zealanders.

MPI uses information from the annual Agricultural Production Survey primarily to calculate agricultural production, to guide policy, and to enable government to assess changes in the agriculture sector. If you object to the information you have given in the Agricultural Production Survey 2015/2016 being passed on to MPI, you need to state this in writing. Either use the space in question 74, or return a letter to us using the envelope provided, and your information will not be shared with MPI.

In addition, the New Zealand Meat Board receives a list of names and addresses of sheep, goat, and beef farmers. This information can only be used for the Board’s election process and to distribute copies of its publications. If you object to your name and address being passed on to the Board, based on the information you have given in the Agricultural Production Survey 2015/2016, you need to state this in writing. Either use the space in question 74, or or return a letter to us using the envelope provided, and your information will not be shared with the Board.

Statistics NZ sometimes combines survey data with other data to increase value to decision-makers and researchers. Access to combined data is strictly controlled, and the names and addresses of individuals, households or businesses are removed. Research findings are confidentialised, so individuals or businesses cannot be identified.